Saturday, June 24, 2006

Weltmeisterschaft '06

It's only the 14th minute and Germany is already winning 2 - 0 over the Swedes. I'm timing this close because I have to be at LaGuardia by 2:00 to get the Mrs. She was supposed to be home last night at Long Island MacArthur but got socked in by the weather in Columbus, OH. It wouldn't do to be late ...


36th minute and Sweden has lost a man to penalties.


53rd minute, Sweden misses a penalty kick. Just talked to Mrs. F. She's on the plane and it's leaving on time.


85th minute. The German crowd is starting to sing. When my people sing en masse you can bet lots of alcohol is involved. I know the litte town of Hauenstein will be rocking tonight.



Germany - 2

Sweden - 0

I gotta run!!!!


Got to LaGuardia just as the Mrs. was coming out of the terminal with her luggage. Whew ... Tossed her in the car and took off. Have I ever told you how much I hate driving in Queens?


Argentina - Mexico was a great game as well. Argentina - Germany on Friday should be a classic.

Pic thanks to these guys. An article about how the Germans are running this World Cup with some eye candy thrown in. [Not work or kid safe]

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