Thursday, June 29, 2006

White House NYT Bashers: Hypocrites

Well, DUH! From, not exactly a far left outfit:

Bush administration officials have been lining up to condemn The New York Times for revealing a program to track financial transactions as part of the war on terrorism. But if the Times' revelation about a program to monitor international exchanges is so damaging, why has the administration been chattering about efforts to monitor domestic transactions for nearly five years?

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, many journalists - including this one - were briefed by U.S. Customs officials on Operation Green Quest, an effort to roll up terrorist financiers by monitoring, among other things, "suspicious" bank transfers and ancient money lending programs favored by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Interesting. Go read. Election year posturing and an attempt at intimidation. Basic Rove bullshit. More info about the fact that all this "secret" follow-the-money stuff has been a matter of public knowledge for almost five years is coming out all over the place as well.

One 'comment' reads simply "Hastert & "Loose Lips"?" I'm going to go bleach that visual out of my brain now.


Go read Wolcott.

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