Saturday, June 17, 2006

Why don't you pick a fight...

With them?

WASHINGTON Jun 16, 2006 (AP) - North Korea is accelerating preparations for testing a missile that has the potential to strike the United States, a U.S. government official said Friday. A test of the Taepodong-2 long-range missile may be imminent, the official said.


I mean, we know they have nuclear weapons, right? They make no secret of wanting a weapon that can reach the U.S., right? So, how come we didn't affect 'regime change' in North Korea? It could have been done far more easily than Iraq or, potentially, Iran. I know you have a lot more people in NK willing to rise up against their government, if only given the support and opportunity, than you do in Islamic nations.

But ours is a government of cowards. Far be it for them to pick a fight with a probability we might lose. Far be it they might have to stand nose to nose with China in the U.N. Security Council, using credible 'carrot and stick' diplomacy to keep them out of the conflict. (Do you want the U.S. as your biggest trading partner? Do you want us to support Taiwan in a drive for independence? Stay out of this and shut up.) That is how you use 'American capital', not in some grand adventure with vague, dubious motives.

Instead, our imperialistic gambits have left our friends high and dry. In Europe, with its large Islamic immigrant population, we have stirred up unrest, making once-peaeful streets more dangerous. In Asia, we have left our friends exposed to a nuclear threat from an unstable tyrant with a big friend (China). And worst of all, we have left our own people on the west coast similarly exposed. That is not the modus operandi of a powerful, civilized, and enlightened culture. It is the mark of childish incompetence.

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