Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Detroit Man Arrested for 'Inciting to Honk'

I almost got arrested once after being incited to honk something. That was at Hooters...


A local man was handcuffed and arrested after standing at Nine Mile Road and Woodward Avenue in protest against the war in Iraq.

Victor Kittila, 55, of Eastpointe was standing near the road in Ferndale last week holding a sign that read "Honk if you want Bush Out," according to the Daily Tribune. Kittila lost the sign after police confiscated it and placed him under arrest.

Ferndale police seized the sign asking people to honk because it was becoming too noisy in an already busy part of town, according to the paper's reports.

Sounds like all them extra blastin' horns made it noisier'n shit! Looks like his sign worked well enough to piss somebody off, and maybe not just for a convenient ginned-up noise violation.

Bravo, Mr. Kittila!

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