Sunday, July 30, 2006

Life is for Living (updated)

I'll admit it,I've been feeling rather hopeless lately,watching one's country come unhinged isn't exactly my idea of entertainment. It's not depression really,more like just being overwhelmed by all the ugliness and sad news. The cure for feeling helpless and afraid is action. IMO,I think most of this callous nastiness in America stems,in part,from people being locked into a very small and unyielding comfort zone. Sometimes it pays to get out and breathe some fresh air or do something a little different. It is in that spirit that I bring you some links that are a bit different than the norm.

1) "The Media"

Anyone with an IQ higher than a toadstool knows that if you want to find out what's going on in the world without a bunch of lies and half truths you don't watch American TV or read the papers and just accept that as is.Bloggers on the left side of the dial tackle this crap daily,but there are other things people can do besides blog their little hearts out.

The Prometheus Radio Project provides resources,support and information about starting your own low power FM radio station.

Be The Media is another resource for people looking to involve themselves in creating their own media countermessages to the standard fare.

You can create your own internet TV channel. I like this better than You Tube/video blogging,it seems a bit more substantial.

Become a Freeway Blogger. Even if your message only stays up a short time,using this technique can reach literally thousands of people in a short time for practically no money at all. Depending on where you live,you might have to be sneaky to pull it off,but it's worth the effort I think. This idea could also transfer into other areas besides overpasses and beside busy highways. Use your imagination.

Donate books to your public library system.I do this a couple times a year.I either buy two copies of a book I have found helpful and donate one,or I'll rumage through my bookcases and pull out titles I've read and abosrbed enough that I don't need the book anymore. You don't have to jump through hoops to do this,call your main library branch and ask them where to drop off your donations.Where I live all you have to do is take the books to any library and drop them off. You can also buy a magazine subscription for your library in their name as a gift if you see they don't carry a particular magazine you like.Contrary to what conservatives would have you believe,libraries aren't just hangouts for homeless people,dirty hippies and middle school kids doing homework.The two suburban branches near my house are constantly busy,with people of all ages milling around.Many libraries also have public meeting/conference rooms you can use for free,start a progressive book club or political salon and center it around your library branch.

Another thing you can do is design and print up your own bookmarks with any message you want to convey.I've done this before,putting the URL for Media Matters on book marks and placing them inside all the conservative author's books on our library's shelves.Heh.All you need is card stock and a printer(I made a bookmark template on my computer and got 8 book marks from one piece of paper).You can also do this at the bookstore,targeting any book or groups of books you wish.The key here is to place the bookmark in the center of the book,making sure it doesn't stick out of either end.

2)Reclaim the Flag.
Fly the flag at home,not just on Veteran's Day or the 4th of July,but year round.Learn how to properly display and care for your flag. And with all the talk these days of flag burning,how about something a bit different? Hold a ceremonial Flag Washing(wash those conservative cooties off,in a symbolic way). Most flags today are made of washable fabric,so gather up some friends,some mild detergent,large buckets and cold water(never use hot water,the colors will run and fade,and go easy on the detergent),and string up a clothesline for them to dry on. This might even be a neat fundraiser for a progressive candidate or cause. Just make sure you follow proper flag protocol,and you can educate the public about it at the same time. As for flag disposal,when your flag gets faded or worn,some libraries have drop off boxes for old flags,you can contact your local VFW or other vet's groups and ask if they'll dispose of them properly,or you can do it yourself following the accepted guidelines. It's our flag too,it's time we took it back from the people who have so tarnished what it stands for.I'm even going to get myself one of those little flag pins to wear,just like the wingnuts do.

3)Channel your anger constructively.I know we're the"angry left",and we have every right to be pissed. And as tempting as it is at times,slapping the dogshit out of a wingnut asshole won't solve much,and might get your ass hauled to jail. Sooo,you gotta find outlets. Aggression is best worked out physically where no one gets hurt,via exercise,sports,painting the house,whatever it takes.Go for walks,get enough sleep and all that other"mom advice".Take what's left and channel that into your own community.Volunteer for something,it's doesn't have to be political. Or be an independant volunteer.Look around your community,find a problem and work to fix it,one person at a time.

4) Commit random acts of kindness. Yeah,I know,that's a cliche,but little things count,especially nowadays. At the toll booth,pay the toll for the car or two behind you. Leave some fresh flowers on a grouchy neighbor's doorstep anonymously. Drop off some art supplies or paper and pencils at your nearest school(so teachers don't have to pay out of pocket for them). Cook a hot meal and deliver it to an elderly neighbor or young mother on your street. Buy crayons and coloring books for a children's hospital. If you garden, Plant a Row for the Hungry,or give your extra produce and flowers to a neighbor who may be struggling with an illness,job loss or a death in the family.

5)And Finally,Don't Forget to Laugh,at least once a day.

Updated to Add:
Go read the comments section to this post and rethink what I said above about donating to libraries.The comments from our favorite penguin, Badtux the Snarky Penguin, lend common sense and expertise to the conversation and some wonderful ideas regarding kids and books.Check it out.

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