Sunday, July 9, 2006

The Little Tramp's Classic Labor Lesson


Venezuela's socialist government is using a 1936 Chaplin film to educate workers about their rights. Employers are not applauding.

LOS TEQUES, Venezuela - In his classic 1936 film, "Modern Times," Charlie Chaplin has to work so fast tightening bolts in a steel factory that he finally goes crazy. In a memorable scene that has become a metaphor for labor exploitation, the Little Tramp is run through the factory's enormous gears.

For President Hugo Chavez's socialist government, the film is more than just entertainment: It's become a teaching tool. Since January, in a bid to expose the evils of "savage capitalism," the Labor Ministry has shown the Chaplin film to thousands of workers in places such as this rundown industrial suburb of Caracas.

Metalworker Miguel Moreno also has seen some improvement. "We have more power because we know more," he said. "They've given me earplugs for the noise, at least."

Gee, maybe we should show this Chaplin flick to the Chimp. Hey, if Miguel got some earplugs, maybe Georgie'll move his buttplug to his jibs and shut the fuck up!

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