Thursday, July 6, 2006

More Ned

From a very interesting article by Bob Geiger on how Holy Joe's actions affect Dems in the Senate:


"I want to be clear that I will support the nominee chosen by Connecticut Democrats in their primary," [NY Senator Hillary] Clinton said yesterday. "I believe in the Democratic Party, and I believe we must honor the decisions made by Democratic primary voters."

It would be nice if Lieberman believed the same thing. But with his selfish statement on Monday, Lieberman has sent a clear message to all Connecticut Democrats that their vote on August 8 is meaningless. If they happen to decide that Ned Lamont is a more appropriate Democratic standard bearer for these times, tough luck -- Bush's Boy is going to thumb his nose at them and run anyway.

Meanwhile, Lamont has already said that he will support whomever the voters choose as the Democratic nominee, even if that person is Lieberman. [my em]


Good on Hillary. Time for the rest of the Dem leadership to take Whiny Joe behind the woodshed.

Ned Lamont.

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