Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A sad day ...

My tears haven't stopped since I read their email. Our dear friends M and T from Adgita Diaries have lost their dog/baby Harry Hound suddenly thanks to a heartless, inhumane driver who didn't even have the courtesy to stop. I take from their email:

... Harry came to us at six weeks and for 6 years and participated in every second of every day of our lives. It was Harry who was light, pure joy, loyalty and in himself the best of the two of us. It has ripped our hearts apart and changed everything. The gardens are gray, the house haunted by his every move and we weep bitterly. ...

All I can say is, you know he'll be waiting.

All our condolences and prayers be with you, guys. Now I have to break the news to Shayna.

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