Monday, July 24, 2006

They're so fucking crazy


"What we're seeing here ... are the birth pangs of a new Middle East and whatever we do, we have to be certain that we are pushing forward to the new Middle East, not going back to the old one."


...I brought up the Condi Rice "birth pang" comment in passing and one of the commenters pointed out that it's actually Rapture talk, if you can believe that.

I checked it out and over at the Rapture Forum they've been talking about the "birth pangs" of Armageddon ever since 9/11.


It's not a birth pang. We're fucking constipated. Jesus Good God, we've got fucking loonies running the country. These people shouldn't be thrown out of office, they should be institutionalized. Bellevue, anyone? Creedmoor?

...Crawl into my ambulance, your pulse is getting weak
reveal yourself all now to me girl while you've got the strength to speak
Cause they're waiting for you at Bellevue with their oxygen masks
But I could give it all to you now if only you could ask...

~Bruce Springsteen, For You


So Andy Card 2.0 was on Timmy's yesterday. I had trouble treading water as the bullshit came in like the high tide in the Bay of Fundy; swiftly, deeply. Leah has the breakdown and an excellent translation from Rovian to English.


Even Timmeh wondered if diplomacy meant to solve problems doesn't need to take place between our non-allies and us, too?

In a word, "no;" unless, of course, either Syria or Iran would like to withdraw their support from Hezbollah and Hamas, and do exactly what we say they should do.


And as for author Ricks (the 2nd guest on Press the Meat), I knew it was just a matter of time before someone blamed the military. Need we remind him the civilians in charge at the Pentagon cashiered all the flag officers who raised objections to this fiasco early on, especially the ones who said Rummy's plans were too optimistic? Remember Shinseki? 250,000 troops before we even try to invade?

Democrats in November. We can't survive another few years with these people in charge.

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