Tuesday, July 4, 2006


I'm hearing a lot of whining coming from across the Hudson over this:

(Trenton - WABC, July 3, 2006) - Governor Jon Corzine has ordered state lawmakers to work Tuesday, hoping to break the impasse and come up with a budget. But in the meantime, the government is closed.


In my book, Governor Corzine is doing the right thing. These state lawmakers are charged with putting a budget forth by a certain time for the Governor to sign. It's called doing your job. Governor Corzine is just providing incentive. As opposed to the situation on this side of the Hudson where we haven't received a budget on time in 25 years (usually we're halfway through the fiscal year before Pataki signs it). Maybe next year, Governor Spitzer (I can't wait) will do the same thing in New York that Gov. Corzine has the stones to do in Jersey.

More detail from my awesome neighbors at Blue Jersey.

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