Sunday, August 13, 2006

Are you a bigot?

If you voted for or supported Ned Lamont, Peter King says you are. Dave Mejias' talks about that at dKos:


Still, Peter King doesn't think he's in danger to the same fate as Lieberman. You know why? Because, he says, "fortunately, [his district] is not composed of the left-wing bigots who went after Joe Lieberman."

So, if you supported Ned Lamont, Peter King thinks you're a bigot. If you are against the failed policies of the Bush administration, Peter King thinks you're a bigot. If you think America needs a change in leadership, Peter King thinks you're a bigot.


Support Dave in his race to unseat King in NY-03 (What's so bad about Peter King? Click here to find out).

Dave's ActBlue page here.

Dave for America.

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