Saturday, August 5, 2006


Back from Boston and we had a great time. The bride was beautiful (but I knew that when she was a baby) and the groom (whom I finally had a chance to sit and talk with) is an impressive young man. Samantha made an excellent choice. I wish them all the happiness Mrs. F and I have found.

That said, I had time constraints getting home. I had to get to the vet on Long Island by 3 to pick up Shayna or I couldn't get her until Monday. Mrs. F nagged at me from Providence to New Haven for my excessive speed (95 mph straight through) but we made it to the vet by 2:50.

Also, we stayed in Braintree, MA which, for me, was very cathartic for we were only a few miles from the home of my hero, President John Adams and his wife Abigail.

A note from the road: We saw a bunch of Ned Lamont bumper stickers going through Connecticut. Not a single one for Lieberman. We caught Holy Joe's ad on WPLR 99.1, the one where he says 'experience matters' and had a good laugh. And to the city fathers of the City of New Haven, thank you very much for fucking up I-95 through the city. Good lord what a horrendous traffic pattern (thanks to construction). To the yahoo from Texas in his pickemup truck in the left lane, going 45 mph, towing a piece-of-shit ancient camper with no brake lights, I hope a Kenworth runs your moron ass over.

And lastly, I'm pretty tan on my upper body, but I wear long pants all day at work so my legs don't get as much sun. It was really sunny today (and I wore shorts driving home) and it seems my left leg was exposed to the sun for the entire trip (3 1/2 hours) home. I got a wicked sunburn:

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