Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Daily Dave

In our Daily Dave post today, an unexpected pleasure. I got an email from Dave Mejias' Press Secretary, Gabby Adler, this afternoon.

The first is to introduce myself as Dave Mejias's Press Secretary; I officially came on staff yesterday and wanted to make sure you have my contact information. I greatly appreciate your offer to help the campaign and to inform your readers about Dave and his candidacy. I will add you to my contact list and I will send you press releases and other announcements. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Her second reason for contacting me is to give some detail on the AFL-CIO endorsement at their convention Monday. Something I didn't know:

This is the first time the AFL-CIO has ever endorsed [Rep. Peter]King's (R-Bush Crony) opposition.*

About time they got the fact the Repukes ain't no friends of organized labor. We're pleased at the Brain to help Dave Mejias' campaign any way we can. How about you?

Volunteer and donate @ Dave for America.

Contribute via ActBlue.

Let's make Long Island completely blue.

*Press Release posted Below the Fold.

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