Monday, August 21, 2006

Daily Dave

As I was leaving Mejias Headquarters in Farmingdale this afternoon I decided to take backroads home. I live about 8 miles from where Mejias' office is and these are the roads I used to tear up when I was a kid so I can make good time as opposed to the Expressway (yeah right). My route took me through Pinelawn National Cemetery where I spend a decent amount of time paying my respects to the soldiers buried in the beautiful meadows. I made a promise to them this afternoon as I passed by all the whitewashed headstones, many dating back to the War of 1812. I made a promise we would do our damndest this year to elect good people to help bring our brothers and sisters home from Iraq. If it kills me we're gonna do it.

That said, I did stop at Mejias Headquarters on my way home from work. I had the pleasure of meeting Dave's Press Secretary Ms. Gabby Adler in the flesh and his Campaign Manager Mike Premo, with whom I left the questions you submitted. He advised the candidate would get back to us in about a week. I also floated the idea of a live chat here in October so we'll see how that goes. I would like to say they have a great bunch of kids helping them out over there too. If the staff is any indication, he should win going away.

It ain't. A great staff means nothing if Dave can't get the message out. You can help. If you can't volunteer or donate time, donate cash money via ActBlue. Remember, just because you don't live in NY-03 doesn't mean you don't have a stake in retiring that clown Peter King.

Dave for America

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