Thursday, August 24, 2006

Draft or Lose? Why bother? We've lost anyway.

Raw Story

Fast on the heels of yesterday's Defense Department involuntary call up of Marine reserves, an Iraq veterans group tells RAW STORY that if a draft is not the next step, President Bush must choose to accept a loss in the war.

But Jon Soltz, who heads up the group, warned ABC News yesterday that the call up showed a lack of plans for victory in Iraq, and the problems faced by an overburdened American military. Soltz served as a captain in the Army in the Iraq war and is still a member of the reserves.

"The Pentagon has been saying it's meeting retention goals, but its actions speak louder than words," he explained of the stop loss and reserve call up actions that the Pentagon has taken.

The Bush administration has repeatedly claimed that it is in favor of retaining an all-volunteer military force.

Soltz thinks that in the short term, they'll stand by that position. "What it really tells you is that the Bush administration is not dedicated to democratization, they will cut and run, because the political liabilities of having a state that is Iran's proxy aren't as bad as losing political power in the midterm election." He added, "Doing a draft would cause that."

I got some news for ya: Bush ain't gonna do it for exactly those reasons, and if he did it's already too late. By the time the system gets up and running and gets people in the pipeline, the military upgrades its training facilities to handle a large influx of draftees, and gets 'em trained to where they can survive and prevail in a war zone, there will be a Democratic President and the occupation of Iraq will have ended. We will have "lost" but we are going to "lose" that clusterfuck no matter who's in charge because it was a terrible idea in the first place, carried out in the most incompetent way possible by people in higher places than they should have ever been.

There'll be plenty of military left then to deal properly with Afghanistan, which is where the main effort should have been all along.

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