Thursday, August 10, 2006

Explode. Repeat.

Our pal Mimus Pauly brings up a good point in this post about Scotland Yard arresting the 'shampoo bombers' (©) in England:

1 -- Will Bunch compliments Scotland Yard, and states an infrequently-stated truth:

...Most of the big victories in "the war on terror" have been racked up by cops, not by soldiers. Why, it's almost as if terrorism is a law-enforcement problem -- and less of a threat when it's handled well in that fashion.

I think I remember the Repugs rakin' Kerry over the coals for saying that.

Whoever planned this latest terrorist caper knows exactly what he's doing and his timing is good. If he wants the Repugs to stay in power, and of course he does, he could not have handed them a better excuse for political fear-mongering this close to our elections. I wonder if his name is Qarl Al-Rovi?

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