Saturday, August 12, 2006

Get out

One of our unhinged congressweasels here on Long Island is up for reelection this November and we have a chance to get his Rethug ass out. Dave Mejias is running against Peter King for NY-3, the district next to mine. Please help him out if you can. King is the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and if you know all the hassles NY has had getting 9/11 money (rightfully due us), you know he's dropped the ball big time, and that is aside from being a Bush suck-boy.

If you live in NY-3, Dave Mejias is your guy. If you live on Long Island, consider volunteering to help his campaign (I'm giving them a call on Monday to see if they can put any of my *cough* talents to use). If you're not a Long Islander, consider sending Dave some scratch if you can.

Let's face it, Washington has let us down. Between the mess they made in Iraq and their failures at home, both the President and this Congress have proven that they aren't up to the job. ~ Dave Mejias

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