Friday, August 18, 2006

Happy 6-0, Big Dog

Raw Story

Bill Clinton turns 60 on Saturday, but the celebration will only reach its climax with the Stones' performance on October 29 in Manhattan's Beacon Theatre - three days after Senator Hillary Clinton's 59th birthday.

Heh. I'm sure she's thrilled that got in there!

In many ways, it's typical of how the US baby boom generation is entering retirement - rockin', rollin', and still on the move without a thought of sitting in a rockin' chair. US President George W Bush turned 60 in July with less fanfare.

That's because he's an asshole.

But for Clinton, turning 60 is harder than it looks.

"I hate it, but it's true," Clinton said at the world AIDS conference in Toronto earlier this week. "For most of my workinglife, I was the youngest person doing what I was doing. Then one day I woke up and I was the oldest person in every room."

He's not alone. Welcome to the club, Bill. Happy Birthday.

Bush went to bed 59 and woke up 60. I bet Clinton'll go to bed 60. He's a much better example for us, in every way.

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