Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Hopefully the last...

There's a Hell of a lot more important shit than this going on, but here's MoDo on Mel Gibson via Voxefx:

"Moreover, it is the elders' considered view that whereas alcoholism may require a process of recovery, anti-Semitism is a more intractable and less chic failing. This was not a moment of insanity, even if Gibson is insane. His hatred of Jews was plain in his movie and in his twisted defense of it, which was made when he was sober under the influence of his primitive world view. Perhaps he thinks that all he needs to do is spend a few months in AA - Anti-Semites Anonymous - and find some celebrity sponsor and run for absolution to Larry Zeiger, I mean Larry King, where he can say with perfect sincerity that the Holocaust was a terrible thing and gut yontif.

"But the elders have instructed Larry to be strict with the uncircumcised offender. He is to appear only opposite 'American Idol' and in the company of David Gest.

"We understand that Gibson cannot do it alone. But why do we have to do it with him? We would find it hard to be in a room with him unless, of course, he wants to count some money with us. Why doesn't he turn to the vast number of his Christian brothers and sisters who show no trace of anything resembling his disgusting prejudice?

"Mad Max is making Max mad, and Murray, and Irving, and Mort, and Marty, and Abe. But we're not completely heartless. If he wants to do Shylock at dinner theater, fine. If he agrees to fill his swimming pool with Kabbalah water, fine."

I don't give a rat's ass about Gibson. This might hurt him a little in the movie biz or public opinion for a while, but he's richer than Crœsus so who cares? It's not really going to hurt him, but if it makes him take stock of himself it might even help him. So what? What's one crazy bastard more or less in the overall scheme of things if he has no political power?

An unfortunate side effect of the 1st Amendment is that obnoxious assholes are allowed to spout despicable damfool bullshit. He's free to say what he wants. He can take the consequences, too.

This crap is enough to give a guy religion, any religion, just so he can pray, "Please, dear God, make this nonsense go away."

Any and all of the attention paid to the constant meaningless shenanigans of celebrities is somewhat akin to the "bread and circuses" prior to the downfall of Rome. We got more important stuff, such as the downfall of the United States under Bush, to concern ourselves with, and we better get to it as a nation and stay on it. Save the side trips 'til we're safe from the likes of him.

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