Sunday, August 6, 2006

'Insurgency' in CT

Think Progress. Warning: Neut alert! Video if you can stand watching him.

This morning on Fox News, Newt Gingrich claimed there is a "legitimate insurgency in Connecticut, which needs to be met head on," made up of people who say Iraq "is so hard, it is so frightening, it's so painful, can't we come home and hide?" Gingrich said that if the "insurgency" wins, "it will be the beginning of extraordinarily important period in American politics, and in American history."

No, Neutie boy, it's not because it's hard, or frightening, or painful, although it is certainly all of those. It's because it's imperialistic, illegal, an expensive waste of blood and treasure, wrong-headed, futile, and un-American.

Run home and hide? Not from the likes of you and your neocon wingnut coward friends, motherfucker. You gotta bring some to get some, so bring it on! All most of you people have to bring is your big fat mouth. Frankly, I don't much care whether I take you on in the voting booth with a #2 pencil or the parking lot of Wal-Mart with a fuckin' jack handle. I'm sick of you bastards. We'll see who runs and hides.

To this 'insurgent', the "important period in American politics and history" will be the one where we get rid of this criminal fascist imperialist insane administration and start the hard, frightening, and painful resuscitation and rehabilitation of democracy in our nation.

At the time I saw this, there were 246 comments. Here's the first one:

No longer "traitors" for asking legitimate questions, we are now describing Americans as insurgents? That seems to move beyond shrill name calling to a more serious accusation. Is this "insurgency" to be crushed by tanks as well...? A frightening prospect in a country that is led by a group whose only response to an enemy is brute, physical violence.

One more 'reason why' to add to Fixer's "States' Rights" post.

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