Tuesday, August 1, 2006

The Last Plantation

If there's anybody who thinks there's no racism in our country, go see this video at Guerrilla News Network.

By now, you've probably heard about the March 29th run in between Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and a Capitol Hill police officer. But you probably have not yet heard this side of the story. In true GNN fashion, we go beyond the superficial coverage of the mainstream press to uncover a different perspective on the story. GNN's Ian Inaba, director of the new documentary American Blackout talked to four police officers about allegations of racism on Capitol Hill and the now infamous incident.

The folks they're talking about are Members (heh) of Congress and the Capitol Hill Police, not some backwoods bozo (button it!) with a Stars 'n Bars sticker on his old pickup. Disgusting.

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