Sunday, August 27, 2006

Local races ...

Via Jesus' General. Darcy Burner is running in Washington-08:


"We are at a very dangerous moment in the American experience. We are under attack by forces outside of this country: Terrorists who are focused entirely on killing Americans and destroying this country. And we are under attack from the inside, by an administration and a majority in Congress that would destroy those things that the American people have fought for and won over the last 215 years."


Darcy Burner, Democrat for Congress

Do you live in WA-08?

Darcy's ActBlue page.


You see why I'm pushing the House races this year? The Rothenberg Report via Pensito Review:

Our latest race-by-race review of Congressional districts around the country convinces us that a Democratic wave is building and that the party is poised to take control of the House of Representatives in the fall. The only question now is the size of the November wave.

The national mood remains bleak for Republicans. President George W. Bush's job performance ratings are terrible, and the public still gives Congress low marks. A majority of Americans continue to tell pollsters that the country is headed in the wrong direction.


We can do this.

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