Monday, August 28, 2006

Local races ...

Granny in Montana directs me to Monica Lindeen's campaign:


When asked why she thinks Rehberg and the current Congress are vulnerable, Lindeen said: "Pick an issue."

"The rising cost of gasoline, the rising cost of health care, the Red Sea of debt that this Congress is leaving for our children," she said. "Montanans are concerned about it. They know they're getting the short end of the stick.

"This man says that he's a fiscal conservative. How can he look anyone in the eye in the state of Montana and say he's a fiscal conservative?"

She raps Rehberg for opposing any increases in the federal minimum wage - until last week, when it was paired with an estate-tax reduction. [Link]


Lindeen for Congress

Monica's ActBlue page

Do you live in MT-01?

Addendum: If you know of a House race I should highlight, drop me an email or leave a comment on one of the 'Local races ...' posts.

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