Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Local races ...

Froggy points me to Linda Stender in NJ-07. I'll excerpt his comment:

...a local race, in NJ, Stender in the [7th] is the best chance to get rid of Mike "Mr Fetus" Ferguson*, an out-of-touch-with-his-district Tom Delay handpuppet who needs to go, and now. Ms Stender is a member of the NJ State Legislature and has her own constituency to begin with. She has the support of Emily's List and has shown she can raise enough money to be competitive, unlike previous Democratic challengers in the NJ 7th CD... [*link moved from original]

Linda Stender for Congress

Contribute at Linda's ActBlue page.

Do you live in NJ-07? Get out and vote for Linda in November.

If you're not registered to vote, go do it.

See who we've highlighted so far.

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