Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Meetings ...

I was kidding Gord in the comments of his post yesterday on the combat readiness, or the lack thereof, of a good percentage of army units.

F: Didn't I tell you I'd be fixing Humvees in Kuwait?

G: Fixer, after you fix it, you're likely to be stickin' out the top of it with Ma Deuce in yer hands.

F: With my luck, probably.

G: On the bright side, I may be the one feedin' ya ammo. Every cloud has a silver lining!

I've been saying that a Draft is just around the corner since I started this blog, only half kidding when I said my boss Harry (another Vietnam vet like Gord), Gord, and I are gonna be sharing a tent or a barracks room in the Middle East one day.

With the state of the Army today, should another conflict arise (or a major escalation in the Mid East, which seems closer on the horizon than ever), a Draft is a serious possibility. With the problems Gord points out, and the fact recruiting quotas aren't being met, and the caliber of people they are accepting, I don't see how it can not happen. Well, there's one way, but I don't think even the Chimp is stupid or desperate enough to use nukes or another form of WMD on the region.

Remember that in November, you folks who use a conventional voting machine. Those of you who will be using touch-screen well ... it doesn't matter. Think about your high school or college age kid carrying a rifle in Iraq (or Iran or Syria), or riding in a Bradley or Humvee, a target for any moron with an RPG or AK. This election might just well be the difference between a Draft and bringing our troops home and starting to heal our reputation in the world. Face it:

Everybody. Hates. Us.

And if we expand this folly, we will only lose more credibility, blood, and treasure. Get them out of Congress in November, the lives of your children and the fate of Planet Earth (the only home we have, by the way) depend on it.

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