Thursday, August 10, 2006

Repug Bullshit Goes Into High Gear

In the wake of Ned Lamont's primary victory, the RS3M* has hit the deck a-runnin', as if they knew the outcome ahead of time. Oh, I forgot - they're good at that...

Ostroy Report

Scared Repugs Ratchet Up the Terrorist Rhetoric in the Wake of Lamont's Victory. Get Ready for Some Serious Ugliness

Unable to regurgitate the old "fringe" rhetoric, they're quickly shifting the Swift Boat's gears back to the Iraq/bin laden/al Qaeda story. The "fight 'em over there so we don't have to fight 'em over here" bullshit. It worked like a charm in '04, and they're banking on Americans being fooled once again. The spin they'll be driving home for the next 2 1/2 months is that a pullout of Iraq will result in another 9/11-like attack here in the States. [..]

Think Progress

Tony Snow: A Vote For Lamont Is A Vote For Another 9/11

The Dark Lord

Sen. Joe Lieberman's loss to an anti-war upstart will only encourage Al Qaeda and other enemies of the U.S., Vice President Cheney said yesterday.

These bastards have their script in everybody's hands and everybody lined up in front of the media ready to spew at the first opportunity, don't they?

The flip side: BuzzFlash

Cheney Goes Into Deep Demagogue Mode: Claims Lieberman Loss is a Victory for al-Qaeda. Bin Laden Reportedly Wanted Bush and Cheney Re-elected Because They So Fecklessly Play Into His Hands. So Wouldn't That Make a Defeat for Lieberman a Defeat for al-Qaeda?

Again from Ostroy:

So there you have it. 2004 all over again. Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, terrorists, Iraq, terrorism, terrorism, Iraq, Iraq, terrorists, Iraq, terrorists, Iraq, terrorists, Iraq, terrorists, terrorists, get the picture. Only this time, most of the country is no longer falling for it (my em).

We can only hope.

On a related topic, after the capture of suspected terrorists in England, from Ostroy:

New Terror Alert: The Repuglican Homestretch Scare Campaign Begins

But make no mistake. Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman and the GOP terror thugs will pounce on this new overseas threat as their pivotal "Aha!" moment to scare the crap out of Americans in their new post-Lamont "Democrats are weak on defense and national security" homestretch campaign:

"See, we told ya so. We told ya that Osama bin Laden (remember him? the guy Bush "doesn't spend too much time on anymore?") was out there plotting to attack Americans. We told ya that that's why we need to "stay the course" in Iraq. To "fight 'em over there so we don't have to fight 'em here." We told ya these namby-pamby anti-war liberals wussies are wrong for America and will not keep us safe and secure like us brave old Repuglican chickenhawks. So we're tellin' ya again, voting for these liberal cowards will mean and end to the Iraq war, a win for Osama and the terrorists, and a new round of bloody murderous attacks here at home."

Anyone want to take bets on when the next U.S. terror alert occurs?

So there you have it. They're slimin' everyone who voted for Lamont, God bless 'em, and by extension everybody who votes for any Democrat as enablers of Bin-Forgotten, Al Qaeda, or any garden variety terrorist who happens along. In other words, they're calling 'em cowards, traitors, and terrorist sympathizers. Par for the Repug course.

This time, a lot more Americans know who the cowards and traitors are, as well as who created most of the new terrorists. If they don't, they at least know that the way things are going in the Iraq occupation is an indication of the Repugs' total incompetence, and Americans don't like to lose. They don't particularly like to be lied to either, especially when the lies cause the deaths of other Americans. They also don't like being spent into the poorhouse to enrich Big Biz.

Nobody likes being called unpatriotic, or worse, for exercising their rights as American voters, either.

The Repugs have succeeded with these tactics before, to the detriment of the world, but I think the scales have fallen from enough Americans' eyes that it won't work this time. It better not. If it does, we deserve to be called stupid.

*Repuglican Spin, Slime, & Smear Machine aka The Mighty Wurlitzer.

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