Wednesday, August 9, 2006


Gord and AOB echoed my sentiments, so there's no point in me adding my $.02. What I will say is that the Dems are falling in line behind Ned. Hillary is the first, from C&L:

A check from Hillary Clinton's HILLPAC is being cut to Ned Lamont for five thousand dollars. She's the first one to be counted on and make good on her promise to support the winner of the Connecticut primary.

Do the rest of you Beltway Dems have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to support Ned, or will you step up and do the right thing for your party and country? Think about it, won't you? Because, after last night, it's our party again and you too can go the way of Holy Joe. The 'insurgents' have indeed won.


Rain Bo in comments alerts us to the fact Evan Bayh has also thrown his support to Lamont.

How about shooting off an email of thanks to these two senators for doing the right thing.

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