Friday, September 8, 2006


You have to read the whole thing. I think most New Yorkers feel this way.


I don't watch any documentaries or movies about 9/11. I don't watch the ceremonies. I cringe every cloudless, perfect day, a day New Yorkers call a 9/11 day.


Let me explain something: they buried the last firefighter from 9/11 last year. They found a bone or two with his DNA.


Then the year of newspaper articles on a funeral. Seven days a week, for a year. And some girl wonders why she can't "share" in this? Share? There is nothing to share. There is grief, a sense of loss, and an understanding which you can never share. Any more than I can share what happened on Omaha Beach. I can understand, but it wasn't my friends dying there.

You want to understand 9/11, buy a fucking book and leave people to their memories. [my em]

That's why, as a New Yorker and a veteran, it makes me so angry when they use us to justify thousands of deaths in this misbegotten and illegal war, both American and Iraqi. If we are to somehow get retribution, how about the guys who planned and executed 9/11 and are still running around, now with their own production company it seems?

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