Friday, September 8, 2006

Ah-nold steps on his schnitzel


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today apologized for saying the lone Latina Republican lawmaker in California had a "very hot," fiery personality because of her ethnicity, a comment captured on audio tape last spring in his private office.

The governor made his apology in Santa Monica standing next to Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia (R-Cathedral City), the lawmaker Schwarzenegger and his chief of staff discussed. Garcia's parents were from Puerto Rico.

On the recording, Schwarzenegger describes Republican legislators as the "wild bunch" and, referring to Garcia, casually says that "black blood" mixed with "Latino blood" equals "hot."

"I mean, they are all very hot," the governor says on the audio recording. "They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it."

Garcia said there was no need for Schwarzenegger to apologize.

Ms. Garcia is a nice lookin' gal for a Republican, and, hey, mo' hottah, mo' bettah, but ya doesn't wanna get caught sayin' shit like that even if it is true!

Gotta go now. Time for my daily Spanish lesson.

Si así es el infierno, ¡¡que me lleve el diablo!!
This is when you see a sizzling hot babe walking by. "If hell's like that, let the devil take me there"


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