Monday, September 18, 2006

Charlie Brown Update

Charlie Brown is the Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives from CA-04. I'm on his list, and ergo, so are you. Here are his latest press clips:

In this week's clips:

1. The Sacramento Bee endorsed Charlie Brown for Congress on Sunday, September 17th.

2. A Poll was released earlier in the week showing the 4th CD race between Brown and Doolittle is now a dead heat. And when positives are read about each candidate, Charlie Brown surges to a 9 point lead.

3. The Doolittle camp has acknowledged they are in trouble, announcing President Bush will be visiting the 4th CD on October 3rd to help raise money for Doolittle.

4. Brown launches, a website devoted to the truth on John Doolittle's support for the Abramoff linked government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands---which tolerates widespread abuses like forced abortions, sex slavery, and sweatshop labor, Doolittle has known about the abuses for more than 10 years, and instead of doing something about them, has championed the cause of using U.S. tax dollars to fund the corrupt CNMI government. Jack Abramoff referred to him as the U.S. Territory's "hero."

5. The Group Republicans for Charlie Brown has formally launched - citing Charlie's strong record on national security, fiscal discipline, and leading with integrity as reasons for their support.

6. John Doolittle has the 2nd worst record on veterans' issues in the House during the 109th Congress. Even though he votes himself a pay raise every year, and sends out taxpayer funded campaign mailers, Doolittle says it's too expensive to provide our troops with the support they've earned and deserve.

Charlie's Latest Blog: Intelligence and the Last Name on the Vietnam Wall.

And much, much more.

Full Clips are attached. (They're available at his site's Media Center - G)

Todd A. Stenhouse
Communications Director
Brown for Congress
P.O. Box 4506
Auburn, CA 95604-4506
(916) 455-6640--direct
(916) 397-1131--mobile

Back to Gordon. Charlie has yet to plan anything for my area. This is understandable in light of the fact that 90% of the voters are where he is and not where I am, but it'd be nice if he came up here to show the flag, like a gunboat going up the Yangtze.

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