Thursday, September 21, 2006

Charlie Brown Update

After a trans-county phone call (don't laugh - it's a hundred miles) to Col. Brown's campaign office, I was just paid a personal visit by his local rep, Espresso, a lovely young lady who also posts for Charlie at Kos. Here's a comment from her I found at Charlie's Kos diary:

Charlie we thank you for your service. And we thank Jan and your son who is still serving today.

As many of you know my sister was killed in the First Gulf War (or the First Bush War of Aggression as my family calls it), and I really want to see someone as my Congressman who has first hand knowledge of what it means and what it takes to send someones child to war.

Charlie is courageous, honest as the day is long, funny, smart as hell and a true patriot. Charlie did not take multiple deferments (as did Doolittle our current corrupt congresscritter) and served a total of 26 years because he believes in what the US is meant to stand for.

When we send Charlie to Congress in November, it will be a step forward for our country by taking a step back to our basic values of ethics, morality and common sense.

If you can, send him money, or if you live in or near his District (CA 04) put a bumper sticker on your car and a yard sign in your yard. It's time to take our country back!

I think I'm in good company.

I now have a sign in my yard and a spare for giving away, and a raft of bumperstickers including the rare and collectible "Dump Doolittle" one!

I also have a postage paid envelope (a 37¢ and a 2¢ stamp - this is grassroots!) to send Charlie a small (I'm not a Republican, after all!) donation.

She was out of badges to wear on my gimme caps. Waaaah! I'll get one...

According to Espresso, Charlie will be in my area on Oct. 14. I am now on her e-mail list as well as Charlie's, so I will be locally informed.

I'm starting to get involved and it feels good.

Charlie Brown for Congress

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