Friday, September 29, 2006

Charlie Brown Update

Charlie Brown for Congress

[Sacramento: On October 1st, 4th CD Candidate Lt. Col. Charlie Brown and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander General Wesley Clark will join forces for a campaign rally titled "Service Before Self," a central theme of Brown's Congressional campaign. The rally will focus on the need for honest, responsible leadership to guide America through dangerous times, and will also pay tribute to those who have dedicated their lives to putting the security and quality of life of the American people first.

The rally, which will also be attended by veterans, military families, police, fire fighters, teachers, and others, comes on the eve of President Bush's visit to the 4th CD---where he will headline a $2,000 a plate fundraiser for Rep. John Doolittle - an 8 term incumbent who has been weakened by his close connections to Congressional bribery scandals, and the practice of paying his wife a 15% commission on funds raised for his campaign committees.

Lt. Col. Brown spent 26 years in the U.S. Air Force, as a helicopter rescue pilot at the end of the Vietnam War, a Reconnaissance pilot, and eventually, as coordinator of surveillance missions over Iraq's no fly zones in the 1990s. Charlie's wife Jan is also a veteran, and his son has served three rotations in Iraq with the Air Force.

Gen. Clark is a West Point Graduate, a highly decorated Vietnam Veteran, and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander whose distinguished military career spans nearly 4 decades. Clark also ran for President of the United States in 2004.

Brown and Gen. Clark will both be speaking at the Oct. 2nd event, and will be available for brief press interviews.

WHO: 4th CD Congressional Candidate Lt. Col. Charlie Brown, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander General Wesley Clark (featured speakers), as well as numerous area veterans, military families, firemen, teachers, police officers, and other supporters of Charlie Brown for Congress.

WHAT: Brown for Congress Campaign Rally

WHERE: Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Corner of 15th and L Streets, Sacramento, CA .

WHEN: Monday, October 2, 2006, 5:00-5:45 p.m.]

Col. Brown will be in my area from about the 6th to the 14th of October. I'll keep you posted and try to make one or more event.

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