Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fear Factor:Propaganda Fatigue Edition

It's getting so I can't swing a dead cat around without hitting some form of fear propaganda and it's pissing me off.

On the teevee it's:

Could your child be at risk of molestation?(stay tuned,in complete suspense, for next Tuesday's in depth report-which won't mention that most kids are molested by a family member or someone they know and trust)

Is the air in your home safe to breathe?(part one of a 487 pt series begins on Action News at 5)

Are you ready in the event of a terrorist attack?(what you can do to protect yourself,part one of a 7,563 part series on the next Happy Morning To You Atlanta show)

And fucking heaven help us if there's one little gray cloud in the sky foretelling a coming"rain event"(yes,that is what they call it now,a rain/sleet/snow "event").Because then the Stormtracker 2 News Team will JUMP into action to tell you every fucking 3o seconds where it's raining now.And when you can expect it to stop raining.With scary graphics,screen crawls with obnoxious noises to let you know something is crawling across the screen that's an EMERGENCY damnit.It's raining,run!Hide!Be Afraid!

On the internets,every fucking so called"news"outlet has some dumbass thing or another about surviving The Terror just waiting in the bushes(heh,heh)to come and getcha.

Visit the current newstand for print media near your house.What do you see?It's either blathering celeb crap(baby Suri,ok she's cute,but so's my kid,so's all the kiddos at Atilla's school.Kids are cute-mostly-so why the fuck is this"news"?Next up,kitties,baby bunnies,and puppies are cute and furry,film at 11),or some bullshit new threat dujour.Is Anna Nicole Smith responsible for her son's death?We explore this in a Channel 6 news special report.Yeah well,kiss my ass Channel 6,and fuck the special report you rode in on.

Dear Media,
Stop it.Right now.Shut.The.Fuck.Up.You.Cowards.

I am an American and I AM NOT AFRAID.Fuck You,you cowardly dirtbags.Land of the Free,Home of the Brave my ass.

If it rains we're not all gonna die.Same goes for snow flurries,a little thunder and lightening or when the wind is blowing at 20mph.STFU already.

If someone drops a nuke on Atlanta,people will die,lots of people.And lots of people will get sick too,and then die.Duct tape and plastic wrap and bottled water won't save a soul.Do you think we don't know that already?But no one's attacking the city,give me a fucking break.The last terror attack we had wasn't a foreign threat you idiots(not to mention what you pricks did to an innocent man in your reports on those incidents),it was a white so called christian american male.No terrorist could get through Atlanta traffic to get to their destination in any timely fashion in the first place,especially someone new here.This city has a minimum of 6 hours a day of rush hour traffic,do you people not live here?You might hide in your studio or office and then fly home at top speed and hide under your bed at the end of the day,but that's because you're COWARDS.I am not a coward.

I am an American and you can't scare me.Bigger men and women have tried and failed.Bite me you pricks.

And you know what?When the stench of neoconservatives and right wingnuts finally clears,and America wakes up from the Long Nap she's taken,my hope is that many of us gather at your homes and places of"work" with torches and pitchforks to hold you personally responsible for the decline of this country.You and those who sign your overpriced paychecks.I've had it with you people.I blame you for lying and fearmongering and gossiping and allowing a disgusting virus to overtake the nation.Middle school children are more sensible,smart,and well behaved than the likes of you.Stop it,you're hurting Our Country.

You're scared of the wrong people motherfuckers.You ought to be scared of the viewing public,because we've had it with you irrelevant moral midgets.


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