Thursday, September 14, 2006


I spoke of this horrible 'get out of jail free card' for the Chimp and his coconspirators last night. At least Harry will give 'em Hell if he has to:

Incredibly good news to come out of the Reid blogger conference call this afternoon: Arlen Specter's foul, pernicious NSA giveaway of the constitution will never make it out of the Senate. Reid will filibuster the bill if necessary to kill it before this session is out, there's only 2-3 weeks left.


Thank you, Senator Reid. It is difficult to express how grateful I am for such a correct, principled stand in defense of some of our most precious rights and freedoms. It is absolutely the correct thing to do; allowing the Specter bill to become law would have been disastrous, and fighting it restores a measure of my faith in the Democrats.


Thanks to Gord and all of you who contacted your reps over the past 24 hours.

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