Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fire Lookouts

Just an interesting article on Forest Service fire lookouts in the LATimes.

The one nearest to me, less than ten miles, is Martis Peak Lookout. I've been up there many times. The view is fabulous. The lake in the 'General View South' is Lake Tahoe. On a clear day, increasingly rare, you can see Mt. Shasta, 150 miles to the north. That site says the road is paved, but I've never seen that. They must have paved it pretty recently, but they've done that to a lot of the old dirt roads in the woods around here. It used to be a pretty good dirt bike road, but old Judge Wilson's wife used to summer up there lookin' for smoke, and he would drag his 24-foot trailer up there behind a Cadillac! I think he made the third rut with his oil pan...

Also see the view from Verdi Peak Lookout. The road is I-80 heading east towards Reno. The structure in the lower right is a casino/gas station/blanket-ass smoke shop.

Oh, what the hell, one more: Sardine Peak Lookout.

Just for fun, check out the Tahoe and Toiyabe National Forests. My back yard.

I like it up here in the mountains.

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