Saturday, September 16, 2006


I'll be heading to a Superfund site tomorrow to do some actual journalism. Heh ... seriously.

Dave Mejias, Nassau County Legislator and candidate for Congress in New York's 3rd Congressional District, has fought for a clean environment, safe drinking water, and encouraged the adoption of renewable energy technology; his record is in sharp contrast to his opponent Peter King's atrocious environmental record.On Peter King's watch EPA funding has been cut, polluters have been shielded against punitive lawsuits, and the amount of poisons and pollutants in our drinking water has increased. This Sunday the Long Island Environmental Community will come together to publicly announce their endorsement of Dave Mejias for Congress. These organizations agree, Mejias will fight to protect the families and environment of Long Island when he is elected to Congress in November.

Dave Mejias will be receiving the endorsement of the Long Island Conservation Voters, the Long Island Sierra Club, and the Environmental Voters Forum. Hopefully I'll remember my camera.

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