Sunday, September 10, 2006


And why I try not to. Once you compulsively lie, you blur the distinction between them and truth; they become interchangable. Since I won't link to the Powertools, I'll steal the quote from TBogg:

First the Senate Democrats browbeat a television network into changing a program so it won't reflect badly on a Democratic administration. Then a Senate committee puts out a report that airbrushes history, leaving out the most important evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda, for the sole purpose of making a Republican administration look bad. I think it's really important to work hard to get a Republican majority in the Senate, so the Dems won't be able to pull stunts like these! [my em]


You can't make this shit up.


And speaking of lies*:


The release of the Phase II report, incomplete as it may be, at least serves to remind the American people of one thing: that this is an administration addicted to lies, one that is unwilling (perhaps unable?) to wean itself off the propaganda it has pushing for the last three years...

*Tip o' the Brain to Atrios.

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