Saturday, September 30, 2006

More Charlie Brown

Raw Story has video of Democratic Congressional Candidate Charlie Brown (CA-04) laying into Doolittle (Repugnant) on Sacramento TV news:

Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) knew of and tolerated forced abortions, sex slavery and sweatshop conditions in the Northern Marianas Islands, says his challenger.

Retired Lt. Col. Charlie Brown, Democratic candidate for California's 4th District, asserts Doolittle was aware of the abuses while he helped, with the aid of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, to fund the islands' government that allegedly exploited its workers.

In a debate on KCRA 3 TV News in Sacramento, Brown faced off against former Rep. Doug Ose, acting as a spokesman on behalf of incumbent Congressman Doolittle. Brown at one point says that Doolittle "got $10,000 from Abramoff's firm, the largest ever paid by Abramoff to a congressman."

Further KCRA coverage on the accusations can be found here.

And learn how you can "Win FREE Laser Hair Removal". Yeesh.

Also see "Dump Doolittle".

This is a good issue to use against Doolittle. Shows his "moral values" and criminal behavior. I hope folks give a shit.

Just as a point of local trivia, the newsanchors, Dave and Lois, are married. To each other.

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