Sunday, September 17, 2006

The new enemy ...

Or, What Whiny White Boys Are Afraid Of. Encho Report:


First and foremost she is a woman with power and that makes her into the embodiment of the enemy of the free-floating hostility of the angry white male who is without a clue as to the true reasons for his anger. His once mighty status as the lord of the manor, the bread winner and the sturdy cornerstone of the mythical 'Nuclear Family' has steadily deteriorated since the 1960s. Pelosi as an assertive, successful female is the polar opposite of the 'strong daddy' archetype of authoritarian top-down family structure and therefore her potential of being two heartbeats (or two impeachments) away from the presidency is the most 'in your face' type of affront that many of the soldiers in the right's angry army could possibly imagine to be forced to tolerate much less accept as reality. [my em]


In other words, she's a 'castrating bitch' to those guys. I'm married to one and I'm glad I am. It's the guys who have little balls to begin with who are afraid for their sacks. Have I told you about the jar the Mrs. has? The one with raisins floating in it that she calls her 'testicle collection'? She's dealt with her share to get where she is in a Japanese corporation. Nancy will be fine too.

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