Sunday, September 3, 2006

On men ... again

Texas Jaye with some words of advice:


Remember that the next time, women, you go to bed with someone whose middle name you don't know. And how much fun is it to go to bed and perform sexually for a man who thinks your sole purpose in life is to clean up after him and stroke his ego by being his doormat, trapped in his house, with no credit, no real job, and no way out and no way in your own life.


As the Mrs. and I get older, we've noticed more of our friends whom we thought had great marriages are dealing with this problem now that the kids are out of the house. It's the women who are realizing they are the ones who've been doing everything for the last 20-odd years and they've had enough of being a maid, cook, and servant for guys who just want to sit on the couch and watch TV or go play golf.

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