Saturday, September 2, 2006

Programming note

No not here. I got an email (reprinted below) this morning from a woman I love who's not Mrs. F. It's the lovely wife of Mrs. F's cousin, Encino Man (who's also way up there on my list of favorite people in the world). We've mentioned Mrs. Encino before (here, here, and here) because she's the voice of Xena Phobe over at Billionaires for Bush.

Friends & Family,

The pilot episode of a new show that I have produced will be airing on KPFK radio on Labor day. Wherever you plan to be on Monday, Sept. 4th, get to a radio (or if you are out of the Los Angeles area to a computer. You can hear the show streaming live on the radio web site - see details below) at 4 PM Pacific Standard time.

This is the World Premiere of a one-hour show that stars The Billionaire Players (including moi as Xena Phobe) with guest star, Mimi Kennedy, original music by Clifford J. Tasner, written by Tina Dupuy and Clifford J. Tasner.

If the station gets enough response after the broadcast we may get picked up for more episodes. Your comments are welcome at

(And, of course, words of praise are always welcome directly to moi!
Best Regards to all,
~[Mrs. Encino]

Listen, comment, and show your support. This is a really talented buncha folks.

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