Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The reviews are in on Bush's speech. Well, sort of.

Born at the Crest of the Empire has a buncha links to reviews of Bush's obnoxious speech yesterday evening. I didn't watch it because I don't like being lied to, but everything he says is obnoxious.

I list all this as example that the speech failed. The press aren't buying it; it's not on the top of every page. This "major address on the anniversary of 9/11" is not being panned. Far worse for the Bush administration, it is being largely ignored.

This was supposed to be a major speech that rhetorically retied Iraq and the "war on terror" for the run in of the '06 campaign, but quite evidently that effort has failed.

Lying and bragging about your accomplishments when there are none has a way of catching up to you when you try, vainly and in vain, to perpetuate them.

I hope he does it on the witness stand when a real Justice Department catches up to him.

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