Wednesday, September 13, 2006

They don't get it ...

The news media that is.

I'm watching the highlights of the primary votes yesterday. Thankfully, Chafee won the Rethug seat in Rhode Island. But the talking heads don't get it.

The gist of the news reports is that Dem voters and 'moderate' Repubs want incumbents out. The fact Chafee won means things aren't going so swimmingly. The fact that Hillary won means the 'anti-incumbent' voters have lost.


A Chafee win in RI means whatever moderate, centrist Republicans there are left are desperately trying to hold on to their representation within the party. Don't forget, Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey was supported by Grover Norquist's Club for Growth and other far-right groups. The Chafee win sends a message that a good portion of Rhode Island Repubs want their party back. Hopefully the RI Dems will put someone up against Chafee who can win but having to deal with Chafee won't be so bad if RIers send him back for another 6.

And love Hillary or hate her, she's running for re-election to the Senate on her record. She's done a lot of good for New York and she got my vote yesterday. I might not support her for the Presidency if she decides to run but she's been a good senator, the vote on the Iraq War notwithstanding.

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