Monday, September 4, 2006

They Think We're Stupid

So this morning,as I do every weekend(ok it's Monday,and I'm a little behind on chores),I'm changing the feline's litter box.I'm not one to buy fancy cat litter,unless some unbelievably great deal comes along.The grocery store was discontinuing Arm and Hammer clumping cat litter at 60% off,so I picked up a box to blend with the el cheapo clay stuff I usually buy.

On the top of the box,I shit you not,it says:

Safe for use around pets.

Well,I would fucking hope so,seeing as how I buy it FOR the family pets.I personally don't use the litter box,neither do the rest of the humans around here.(and if they were to start,someone would be on the recieving end of my foot in their ass.I'd also assume,that if it's safe for pets,humans should be covered too)

Of course this isn't the first time I've found a ridiculous message sprawled on a common household item.For instance,my curling iron has warnings not to use it while sleeping or bathing/showering.I can't tell you the number of times I personally have done my hair while asleep.And taking a shower while operating an electrical appliance is a sure fire waker upper in the morning,better than coffee or even a double expresso.Damned if I knew you weren't supposed to do either of those things.

Plastic bags are NOT a toy for infants,read it,learn it,live it.

And please,for the love of GOD,don't drink bleach or eat laundry detergent,no matter how hungry or thirsty you find yourself.

This public service announcement has been approved by An Angry Old Broad specifically for you morons out there that can't find your ass in the dark with both hands and a laser beam.

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