Sunday, September 24, 2006

To all of you ...

Who said I was too hard on McCain the other day.


And to John McCain, I wouldn't mind making you a new reservation at the Hanoi Hilton, you miserable piece of shit. You deserve everything the VC did to you, you morally corrupt, self-serving, comtemptible, reprehensible, lowlife worm. Read a book on Bushido and take the appropriate steps; that would be the only way you could earn respect in my eyes. You have no honor, don't even know the meaning of the word. Anything you did in the military, your imprisonment, has been disgraced by your actions. When I get there, I'm gonna make sure Lucifer has a special space reserved for you.


Watch this and tell me what a 'maverick', what an 'honorable man', he is. He's just a dishonorable piece of shit whom I wouldn't let lick the sweat off my balls.

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