Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tongue-lashing. Whee!

The Last Chance Democracy Cafe on Keith Olbermann's latest telling-off of Bush. See Fixer's post.

I sometimes find myself as awestruck of Keith Olbermann's verbal artistry as Slim Pickens' "Blazing Saddles" character Taggart is of Hedley Lamarr's ("It's not *Hedy*, it's *Hedley*. Hedley Lamarr.").

Olbermann (many times over the last couple of months) has eloquently expressed the disgust which many of us feel about the Bush Administration, especially when they and their ilk malign those who would question their misdeeds, misadventures and crimes against humanity.

The title of this piece is what got me:

God darnit Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

Please leave the chrome on the trailer hitch!

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