Wednesday, September 20, 2006

You gotta wonder ...

What Ol' Joe-mentum has on them. Two posts from Jane over at FDL make me think that either the the top people of the AFL-CIO and NARAL are just stubborn, are on a payroll, or are butt buddies of Leiberman.



[AFL-CIO's John] Olsen faced strong opposition within his own union for supporting Joe, and now that Joe has left the party many within the AFL-CIO - including AFSCME, which recently endorsed Lamont - have been putting pressure on the leadership to abandon its unnatural love of Lieberman and back Lamont. Olsen told the NYT yesterday that they won't, however.




Local Connecticut NARAL head Carolyn Treiss is well aware of the limitations of Joe Lieberman and his positions with regard to reproductive rights - his comment telling rape victims to take a "short ride" if they want emergency contraception was no doubt one of the factors (along with his critical cloture vote for the ragingly anti-choice Samuel Alito) that led her to buck the national organization and vote for Ned Lamont when she was a delegate to the CT Democratic Convention in May of this year. She then went on to join Conncticut Choice Voice, an organization of pro-choice women supporting Ned Lamont and vigorously opposing Joe Lieberman for the lipservice he pays to women's issues that he quickly abandons whenever it's crunch time.

Nancy Keenan, on the other hand, went out of her way to defy local Connecticut choice groups and give the national NARAL endorsement to Lieberman.


So why, in these two organizations, powerful ones, have the leadership stubbornly refused to follow the rank and file's wishes? Call me a cynic, but if there were money or favors behind this, I wouldn't be surprised.

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