Thursday, October 19, 2006

American wimps

I had something to say about this yesterday as I was driving to work but forgot in the interim*. It was a little drizzly, about 65 degrees, and I got up behind a school bus. I almost fell over when it stopped in front of a house. I saw a kid (teenager) hop out of a Lexus at the end of the driveway and take two steps to get on the bus. Before the bus pulled away, the mom put the car in gear, drove the hundred feet to the house, got out and went inside.

Let's see ...

#1 The schoolbus stops in front of your house.

#2 You could stay in your house until the bus comes and walk the hundred feet to the street from your front door.

#3 You choose to sit in a running car that drove you the hundred feet from your front door.

#4 Your mother, I presume or at least an adult female, is a willing participant in this behavior.

Are you fucking kidding me?

*The Penguin, blogging at Pauly's, reminded me of it. I'm going to work.

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