Friday, October 27, 2006


Good news from Swing State Project:

Perhaps sensing a once in a generation opportunity to paint as many as seven Republican districts in New York blue this cycle, the DCCC has just added Dave Mejias* (NY-03), John Hall (NY-19), Jack Davis (NY-26), and Eric Massa (NY-29) to the Red to Blue program (see Jesse Lee's posts here and here). With the election a week and a half away, this would've been more significant had it been announced a few weeks ago, but hopefully it should lend these four guys an extra surge against their embattled opponents...

It's about time. I also have a bone to pick with Bill Clinton for this:


While the race between veteran Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) and Nassau Legis. Dave Mejias (D-North Massapequa) is Long Island's marquee congressional battle, Clinton never mentioned Mejias, who was at the event.


Know why?


While King, who was one of a handful of Republicans to vote against some of the articles of impeachment against the former president, was spared a verbal lashing, Clinton said Republican dominance in Washington has been bad for the nation.


You know what, Bill? You can suck my hairy white ass. A lot of shit has changed in 10 years. You know the mess the Rethugs have made of this nation and you decide, at this critical time, to repay a political debt? You've been hanging around with Poppy Bush too long. Remember, if it weren't for your 'indescretion', Al Gore would be the President now. We've stood by you, and your wife, through it all; it's time to remember who brung ya.

Wake the fuck up and give Dave your full endorsement. Better yet, do it in the lot of my shop, in front of regular Long Islanders, in Dave's district. I'll eat a day's profit and give you my floor. You owe us this, goddammit.

Learn about the candidate and volunteer - Dave for America

Contribute - Dave's ActBlue page.

Vote for Dave Mejias. Do you live in NY-03?

*My link.

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