Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dead Heat!

From the Mejias campaign via email:

"We are a week out from Election Day and this race is a statistical dead heat," said Mejias. "It can't be more clear, Peter King and the Republican controlled Congress have taken our country in the wrong direction and the people of New York's Third District want change. This race has picked up an incredible amount of momentum and I am heading into Election Day with a great amount of wind at my back."

The highlights of a Constituent Dynamics poll taken last week:

Dave Mejias leads in Suffolk County, Mejias 49% King 45%

Dave Mejias leads among Independent voters, Mejias 48% King 43%

President Bush received a 35% approval rating

Even my boss Harry, who's a staunch, life-long Republican, listened to Dave the other night and was impressed enough where he'll vote for Mejias instead of just sitting out the election. Harry's words: "I can see why you like this guy. He's got great ideas. Peter King's a fucking asshole." That's about the greatest endorsement Harry has ever given to anything. If Dave can sway the stubborn old man, he has a good chance of winning.

Dave for America

Do you live in NY-03? You do? Good, you'd better have your ass at the polls next Tuesday or I'll come get ya. We're a week out and I'm gonna be harping on this until we put it to bed.


Stolen fully and completely from PKW:

King says his internal polling has him up 23 points and that has been consistant for 7 months.
So what candidate up 23 points in a district gerrymandered for republicans drops half a million dollars on advertising the last two weeks of the campaign?
A candidate who is not confident that the 23 points is a real number.

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